The other evening I was having a typical struggle with my six year old daughter over whether or not she could wear a particular outfit when it happened. I opened my mouth, intending to say one thing, and the words of my mother popped out instead! When did I start sounding just like mom?
I’m sure many moms can relate! How many times have you told yourself “If I’m ever a mother, I’ll never do _____________ like my mom…”. And one of the most painful things for a woman to hear is the casually tossed “You’re just like your mother…”
I’ve been thinking about the mom/daughter relationship a lot lately because my daughter is sounding more and more like me. “Will she grow up to be like me?” I wonder? “And, if she does, is that a good thing?”
There’s one thing that I’m certain about: my relationship with my mom shapes and molds my personality. Maybe it prompts me to strive for the same qualities, it might hold me back from my true potential, or perhaps it pushes me to achieve something more than my mom was ever able to reach.
“Did I grow up to be just like my mom?”
1. What one personality trait of my mom had the most influence on my life? For example, my mom taught me loyalty to family. I would often hear her complain about my grandparents’ demand for her time, her siblings’ indecisiveness and poor decisions. But through it all, she’ll go out of her way to take care of everyone in the family, even her grown children.
2. What one lesson has my mom taught me that has carried with me over the years? My mom instilled a love of learning that I will be grateful for the rest of my life. She showed me, through her own life that you’re never too old to go to school and learn. At 31, she immigrated to the US, learned English, went to college, and found a career that she is passionate about.
While I never did inherit my mom’s creative skills, I hope that I can use her “never say never” attitude to enhance my life, and pass on her thirst for excellence to my own children in whatever they become interested in.
So, did I grow up to be just like my mom? Who cares! The more important question is: have the qualities my mom shared and the lessons I’ve learned helped me to make my own way in the world? As I look back at our relationship and all of the lessons I’ve learned from my mom, I thank God for the chance to use those lessons to develop the traits and ideals I want to pass to my children.
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