Saturday, September 26, 2009

Laundry Days

During weeks with seven kids, every night there are at least two loads of laundry, sometimes more depending how dirty my husband got at work and how dirty the boys got at play. I’ve taken to only doing darks and lights, and to my husband’s dismay, I don’t do whites. The dark load goes in after all of the kids have bathed and showered so that by the time that there’s enough hot water, that load is finished and ready for the dryer. My husband and I then jump into the shower, and when we’re done, there’s just enough hot water left to wash the light load. Typically by then, the dark load is dry and needs folding. The white load will get put in the dryer before we fall asleep or early in the morning as we all rise and start our day. Two loads a day equals 14 loads a week. That’s a lot of laundry!

On days when I’ve had a particularly exhausting day, the last thing I want to do is laundry and as I sort through the laundry I wonder why the boys can’t seem to pull their socks apart instead of leaving them in balls, why the girls can’t pull their underwear out of their shorts or pants, why they can’t seem to sort dark from lights, WHY ME?! I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t sign up for non stop sorting, washing, drying, and folding!

This is the time when I’m gently reminded that I did sign up for this, I did pray for this and He answered, I did want more children, I did want a husband, and that the laundry is just a small part of the bigger picture. He’s reminding me that my own laundry basket is overflowing with self pity and bitterness when it needs to be overflowing with gratitude that the kids have clothes to wear and don’t have a need for anything. We’ve been abundantly blessed in so many ways that 14 loads is a small “price” to pay for what we’ve been given. As the clothes goes through its heavy cycle so does my attitude. All of the stresses of the work day, of running children around, dinner on the go, house work, church work, schedules, exes, family, etc gets wrung out of me as well.

I’m also reminded that I need to be grateful for a big enough washer and dryer to accommodate all of us, that the kids do bring their clothes down to the laundry rather than leave it laying around the bathroom or in their rooms, and that they do put away their clothes.

At the end of the each day, I take care of the laundry and God takes care of me. Whether it be just allowing me to shed tears for no reason or a gentle reminder that I’m missing out on His purpose for me by focusing on something so inconsequential as laundry. He’s definitely cleansed my heart more than 14 times a week.

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